Dedicated to my burning desire to get out of the rat race and stop scrabbling behind the sofa for loose change, this blog will follow my intended success in the field of writing! Join me, a 28 year old bride-to-be as I embark on the most exciting career change I hope I'll ever have...

Thursday, 22 July 2010

Veils, vows and a celebratory chuckle...

As the days quickly slip on by in a blur of work, TV and ironing (ok, that last one is a lie, I never iron if I can help it. Replace it with running. Or blogging. Both of which make me sound much less lazy), I can't quite believe it's only 11 weeks until I become Mrs Gregory. After 2 years of blissful engagement, on October 10 at 12:30 I will leave behind my "Miss" status and cross firmly over the line in to the grounds of a married woman. The entire event seems such a mature thing to do, I'm nervous I'll start giggling like a flirty schoolgirl as I walk down the aisle. (This often occurs in the most inappropriate of situations.... I won't tell you what once happened during a minute's silence in a busy office but suffice to say it involved fits of uncontrollable laughter, looks of utter disgust and lunch times alone for a VERY long time....)

Anyway, lets assume I make it down the aisle without needing oxygen/wine and/or stumbling over my own size 8's. The next challenge is to actually say the right words and not stand gaping like a suffocating trout. Trying to keep my voice on an even keel and not wibble or wobble when the tears start (I already know there is no escaping that and am currently searching for an industrial strength mascara- recommendations welcome!) will be so hard that I might forget what I'm supposed to be pledging and quite possibly could start reciting my two times table.

Despite being 29 years old when I actually wed, I'm still convinced I will see my 12 year old self in the mirror, all caterpillar eye-browed and puppy fat faced. When shopping for my wedding dress, it was so surreal to be being heaved and wedged in to these beautiful creations that it almost felt like I was back in the carnival playing the part of Cinderella and collecting 2p's for charity.

I am sincerely hoping that I have the ability to remain composed when I catch my best friends eye or notice that the Registrar has spinach stuck in their front teeth.... but I wouldn't stake my 3 tiered sponge on it!

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