Dedicated to my burning desire to get out of the rat race and stop scrabbling behind the sofa for loose change, this blog will follow my intended success in the field of writing! Join me, a 28 year old bride-to-be as I embark on the most exciting career change I hope I'll ever have...

Monday 19 July 2010

Cool for Cats? Then again, maybe not...

Ok. Having just had the misfortune to watch the most terrifying and disturbing programme EVER (think a unmarried 50 year old with 84 cats, YES, 84.), I felt the need to express some concern over my two new recent acquisitions and what exactly it says about me. Pets in our family home were always restricted to the "house friendly outdoor only" kind (rabbits) or "able to live indoors but mess can be contained" kind (hamster/good old goldfish). Quite frankly, they were never enough to kill the curiosity of two young sisters.

So, almost 15 years since we said goodbye to our last lop eared friend, in bounce my beautiful kittens, Larry and Evie. Gorgeous! Adorable! Fluffy! Absolutely. In fact, so much so that I literally can't control myself with the camera when they're around. Look! He's sleeping. Again. Quick! Take a picture. Again. Honestly, I'm even annoying myself with my incessant baby talking and checking they're still breathing every ten minutes. Watching them attempt to pick up a pencil has caused me to almost hyperventilate with excitement, and when they had to have their vaccinations last week I was wracked with guilt and convinced they hated me like the evil cat torturing witch they thought I was. I'm even subjecting my friends to sitting through albums on Facebook, constant tagging and comments of how much I love my furry children. I'm hoping this is just one of those irritating phase's, you know, a bit like when you get a new car and you go EVERYWHERE in it. Even to the post box.
Hopefully, within a few weeks I will no longer get overwhelmed when they discover a new miaow, nor will I feel the need to let me fiance know when they eat all their tea. I've given myself another month to be rid of this crazy cat lady behaviour before Channel 4 come knocking with the camera's rolling...

A "Family Portrait". In my fiance's defense, it was my idea... : )


  1. From one crazy cat woman to another - I love that first picture, something about it just speaks to me.

    And I fear that I may be being lined up for the sequel to the Channel 4 programme. Where we live it has been plus 30 degrees for the last few weeks, and I have spent entire evenings coming up with more and more inventive ways to keep the cat cool. I like to think of it as caring. Fiance likes to think of it as crazy. Tomayto Tomahto....

    Fliss xx

  2. Thanks Fliss! I am not alone...
    Currently am trying to think of a way to escape from the chair whilst they are curled up on my knee... no chance! Will be stuck here until they deem it necessary to move!
    Ps- do you refer to yourself as "mummy"?? I am finding myself doing it more and more... worrying!

  3. that too - and have spent many an hour pinned to the sofa because 'she's lying with her head on my knee and looks so cute I just can't bear to move her'..! She's just hade her first birthday too, so I can't even use the cute kitten excuse - I'm just a crazy cat woman. I am now beginning my collection of plastic bags and developing a taste for gin in order to truly fit in with all of the other crazy cat women out there.

  4. Ahhhh you sound like a very good cat mummy! I'm like you, constantly wondering if our little cat, Elvis, is ok. I drive my other half mad!!!

    I'm sure that your little fur-babies are keep you both thoroughly entertained :o)
